- Little Compton Village - https://www.littlecompton.info -

Village Bulletin

Lots of interesting goings on at the Village hall last night. Councillor David Cox tendered his resignation twice during the Parish council meeting.
This site was a hot topic of debate. Whether the fundraising efforts were in any way “illegal” was one subject. Another was that the site is full off errors. We shall hopefully have the minutes available for you soon.
Don’t forget comments can be left and all feedback is gratefully accepted, so if you find anything that you feel is incorrect please let us know.
We strive for perfection, but rarely attain it.

Sadly, The resignation of Councilor Bartlett was announced and the hunt for a new councilor begins in earnest. Anyone who feels that they may be the person to fill the vacancy should read the following document,”Becoming a local councilor [1]” is available for guidance here or from Stratford-on-Avon District Council.

Some Guidance to the Selection Process by Stratford District Council
“By-elections can occur in any ward, division or parish at any time if a councillor resigns or dies. The council must put up a notice in the area to publicise the ‘casual’ vacancy. If the councillor’s term of office was due to end in less than six months, an election cannot be held until the normal day of elections in May.
Otherwise an election can be called if a certain number of electors ask for it before the deadline stated in the notice. The number of signatures needed to call an election to fill a vacancy is:
• two for a district ward or county council
• 10 for a parish or town council vacancy.
Casual vacancies in parish councils are most commonly filled by co-option. If no one calls an election, the council can simply appoint anyone it chooses. Before asking for an election to fill a casual vacancy, you could contact the parish clerk or chairman to ask about being co-opted.”