- Little Compton Village - https://www.littlecompton.info -

Getting Ready for the Fete – Important Information

It’s collection week already!! Actually, it started yesterday so expect a visit from the Collection team this week. Time for a good clear out, and don’t forget to volunteer to help on the day if you can spare some time. All the details below.
A door to door collection for prizes for the Tombola and Bric-a-brac and books for the bookstall will be made during the week starting Monday 1st June. Please contact Karen for you if you would like a particular collection day and time. Donations of all types of prizes would be very welcome.
Please Contribute To: Books, Cakes, Produce, White Elephant (Good Quality), Plants and Tombola (Variety of Prizes,to be collected week beginning 1st June) Can you help on the day? eg with games, serving teas or on a stall? Please contact Karen Wellingham on 674 070