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Official Minutes of the Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held on

Monday 21 September 2009
Present: Cllrs Brandreth, Cox, Gillett, Gorst and Moorman, Stratford DC Cllr Gray
Parish Clerk Susan Cox, and 3 members of the public.
The Chairman, Cllr Gillett, welcomed Councillor Brandreth to his first meeting.
1. Declarations of Interest – There were none
2 Apologies for absence – There were none
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2009
These were agreed to be a correct record – proposed Cllr Moorman, seconded Cllr Cox.
4. Matters Arising from the minutes
Emergency Community Plan – this is currently being updated. When this is done, copies will be available for display in the Village Hall and Church.
5. Date of next meeting – Monday 16 November 2009
6. Questions and comments from the public
Mr Evans asked about the entrance to the new cemetery entrance as the Jubilee Fund was set up to provide gates for this purpose. Mr Evans asked for an 8ft entrance.
(After consulting the planning approval, a pedestrian entrance of 1.8m had been applied for and approved. Mr Evans was informed.)
Mr Evans asked about the A44 and the Warwickshire Advisory Route Lorry Map. He was informed that the A44 does not appear on the map.
7. Cemetery Entrance Progress – the Clerk reported that Kevin Perkins is due to start work in the next few weeks.
8. Flooding Prevention/Road A site meeting was held at Redlands Corner on 2nd September with Jeff Morris and Nigel Chetwynd from Warwickshire Highways Department. The dead willow tree on Mr Bamford’s land is to be removed the ditch and culvert entrance will be enlarged. More investigations will take place. The road and verge levels will be raised to direct flood water along the ditch. There is a possibility of a new ditch to connect up with the piped ditch further along. They will attempt to bank along the gateway to keep excess water on the field side rather than on the road. This will be more works than first envisaged, but the changes should be advantageous.
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This work will use our £3,200 grant money and additional money from Warwickshire CC. The Clerk spoke with Mr Bamford who was reassured he would still have access to his field entrance.
A site meeting will be held with Mr & Mrs McKerron to sort the clearing of the ditch along to the main A44.
Work will take place in 2010 to clear and slurry seal the pavements. More investigations will take place regarding flood waters along Redlands Row and Langston Terrace, to see if this could be diverted. The culvert at Jordans Orchard was also looked at.
A small kerb is to be installed along Wray House in Drivers Lane, as the house is below road level. Possible top dressing of Drivers Lane, Church Lane and Langston Terrace next year, depending on budgets. Road signs are being rectified – the post at the top of Oakham Road and the school sign on A44 at Kitebrook are being dealt with.
9. Playground report – Cllr Gorst reported that all looks fine, apart from a few nut covers which need replacing The official inspection will take place in October or November.
10. Annual Audit
The Clerk reported that there were no questions regarding the Audit Return. The audit fee has been paid
11. Approval of expenditure
Ch 100549 Pipex Internet £ 22.43 paid 100550 Audit Fee £155.25 paid 100551 Pipex Internet £ 22.43 paid 100552 D Didcote £642.00 paid 100553 S Cox salary £337.77
All expenditure agreed, proposed Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Moorman.
Authorisation was given for the Clerk to pay Mr Kevin Perkins for the work at the Cemetery Entrance, if his invoice is received before the next meeting.
12. Report on meeting of Parish/Area Committee 10 September
This meeting was poorly attended. A presentation on gypsy sites highlighted the inadequate provision within the District. The next meeting will be in January/February.
13 Correspondence 1. Warwickshire Advisory Lorry Route Map2. Cotswold Lion
3. Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Authority consultation
4. E-mail – Consultation on gritting routes
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14. Planning Applications
09/01351/FUL Compton Lane Nurseries No objection
Retain mobile home for horticultural workers family
09/01832/TREE 3 Pinchester Cottages No objection – 4no. leyland cypress: reduce height by 50%. – T5 Prunus : crown lift to 2.5m and remove deadwood. – T6 goat willow : crown lift to 2.5m and light crown thin. – T7 goat willow : fell. – T8 goat willow : repollard. – T9 Prunus : crown lift to 3.5m.
15. Other Business
1. Tidy the Village / Cemetery Day – agreed as Sunday 18 October
The Clerk will list what items need attention.
2. Training for Parish Councillors 21st November – no takers
3. A new bank mandate was completed, to take off Cllr Bartlett and replace with Cllr Brandreth.
4. Cllr Gorst remarked on the state of grass cutting around the village, especially along Drivers Lane. The Clerk agreed to speak with the relevant department regarding what is on the cutting rota.
5. Cllr Moorman asked if Mr McKerron could be contacted regarding the height of the laurel hedge opposite Brewery Row, and concerns that the trees opposite Newtown are affecting the electricity supply cables. The Clerk would send a letter.
6. Cllr Gray reported on the impending Area Office at Shipston on Stour.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.35 pm

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