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Minutes of the Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held on

page 377

Monday 16 November 2009
Cllrs Brandreth, Cox, Gillett and Moorman,
Warwickshire CC Cllr Saint, Stratford DC Cllr Gray
Parish Clerk Susan Cox, and 9 members of the public.
1. Declarations of Interest – there were none
2 Apologies for absence received from Cllr Richard Gorst
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 21st
September 2009 were agreed to be a correct record. Proposed Cllr
Gillett, seconded Cllr Brandreth
4. Matters Arising from the minutes
1.  Tidy the Village Day – there had been a very poor turnout for
the tidy up day. The Chairman thanked all those who had helped.
2. Cemetery Entrance – The Clerk had re-visited the planning
application and determined that the Jubilee Gates for the new
entrance should be 1.8 metres in width. Mr Evans had been
5. Date of next meeting – Monday 18 January 2010
This meeting will approve the budget for 2010/11
6. Dates of Future Meetings – March 15 Annual Meeting,
May 17 (Accounts approval), July 19, September 20, November 22,
January 17 2011
7. Questions and comments from the public
1. A number of villagers had complained that the cherry tree which hung
over the pavement at the Red Lion had been removed without
permission. The Clerk had subsequently informed the landlord that
the pub was in the conservation area and therefore all tree work was
the subject of the relevant planning consent. The landlord was very
apologetic about this removal and a new tree is to be planted as a
2. Small laurels have been planted along the highways land at number 1 Red
Lodge which contravenes planning. These will affect the summer
mowing and, in time the visibility at the junction. The Clerk will
liaise with the Highways Department.
3. Mr Evans asked if a notice could be put in Centrepoint reminding
residents about the need for approval for tree works, and the need
for keeping the highways clear of planting. The Clerk agreed to
undertake this.
4. Mr Evans asked what the poles on the A44 were for. The Clerk had
already reported that these are intended for speed/slow down lights.
5. Mr Evans reported that the Parish notice board needs re- varnishing.
The Clerk reported that the board needs replacing as it is extremely
difficult to get pins in, the hinges have already been repaired, and
the timber is wet through at some points. Cllr Brandreth reported
that the notice board is failing. The Chairman will look into this.
6. Mrs Fitch thanked the Highways Department for the tarmac hump installed
at Redlands Row.
8. Cemetery Entrance Progress
Kevin Perkins will be starting the works on 30th
November. The earth spoil will be put on the verge outside Jordans
Orchard in order to even this area for mowing next summer. This
area will need re- seeding.
9. Flooding Prevention/Road Repairs
Some initial work has been done at Redlands Corner.
The sign at the top of Oakham Road and the school sign at Kitebrook have
still not been replaced. The Clerk will follow this up.
10. Playground report
The top bough of one of the horse chestnut trees came down in the winds
the previous weekend, smashing the bench provided by the family of
Mr & Mrs Coleman. The Clerk will contact the insurers. Reed
College had previously been contacted about the state of the trees
but no action had been taken. The Clerk will try to find the
whereabouts of the plaque from the bench.
11. Half Year Accounts
The accounts were discussed by Councillors. There had not been a lot of
movement. Income was from the precept payments and cemetery income.
The usual expenditure was for salary, cemetery maintenance, broadband,
audit fee and insurance. Mr Bamford asked how much
page 379
money the Parish Council had in the funds. The Clerk reported that
this was approximately £13,500 of which almost £5000 was
due for works at the new cemetery entrance and £3,200 was
grant money being held towards the work at Redlands Corner.
12. Approval of expenditure *Paid
100533 Pipex Internet £ 44.86*

100554 D Didcote £334.00*

100555 S Cox Salary £337.77*
Little Compton Village Hall rent 2009 £ 96.00
Training course Cllr Brandreth £ 30.00
All proposed Cllr Moorman, seconded Cllr Gillett.
13 Correspondence
previously circulated
*E-mail – following visit by CRC to Jordans Orchard 22.10.09
*WALC Bulletin
*Briefing Event – 12 December 2009
*Briefing Event – 21 November
*Local Councils & Cheque Signatories
*NALC Handling complaints
*Freedom of Information
14. Planning Applications
09/01351/FUL Compton Lane Nurseries Retain mobile home SDC Approval
09/01372/FUL Salters Well Farm Replacement Cottage SDC Approval
09/01832/TREE 3 Pinchester Cottages Treeworks SDC Approval
09/01877/TREE Langston Farm Tree pollarding SDC Approval
09/02176/FUL Two storey and single storey extension 8 Brewery Row.
15. Other Business
1. Elections 2010
The Parish Council is due for re-election in May 2010. If
uncontested the election costs will be £100. If contested the
costs will be £575.52. The Clerk queried how this amount was
to be budgeted for when the precept was discussed in
After some discussion it was agreed that the budget should include
the £100. The Clerk would also prepare a budget to include
50% of the £575.52 for the Parish Council to compare.
2. Mr Bamford reported that some cars parked outside the cottages in
Oakham Road had been hit.
3. Mr Bamford asked if the quarry could be contacted and asked to trim the
hedge along the bend. The Clerk would write to them.
4. Mrs Crump remarked on the state of the pavements and road in respect of
fallen leaves. The state of the village road is dangerous for
walkers. Cllr Saint believed there was provision for street
cleaning, although villagers were of the opinion this is not
happening in the village.
A shrub from one of the gardens in Brewery Row is overhanging the
pavement, as is foliage along Pool Close.
The Clerk will write to the property owners regarding the shrubbery and
contact Warwickshire CC regarding the state of the road.
5. Mrs Fitch asked if people could be urged to hide ladders in order to
dissuade opportunistic break-ins. This will be included to the
flyer in Centrepoint.
6. Mrs Crump asked if a bus shelter could be provided. The Clerk will
enquire about planning regulations and costs.
7. Cllr Gray reported that the recycling collection has been so successful
that in future it will include plastic meat trays and yoghurt pots.
8. Cllr Saint remarked that our village appears to have the same problems
and issues as other areas. The costs of adult social care is met
from Council Tax and is making more and more demands on resources.
He has been very involved with Fire Services cutback proposals.
However, he is always available if the need arises.
9. Mrs Crump asked what could be done about the height of the laurel hedge
along Washbrook House. The Clerk replied the Mr & Mrs McKerron
had been written to regarding this and other trees.
10. Cllr Moorman asked that items for the website be sent direct to her
rather than waiting for Centrepoint to be printed.
The meeting closed at 7.55 pm

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