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Minutes for 22-11-2010

Minutes of the Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held on

Monday 22 November 2010 at 7.00 pm

Present:     Cllrs Ashford, Brandreth, Moorman and Rudge

Parish Clerk, Susan Cox, Stratford District Councillor Stephen Gray and 16 members of the public.

Vice Chairman, Cllr Louise Moorman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.    Resignation of Cllr Matthew Gillett with effect from 11 November 2010

The Vice Chairman, Cllr Moorman, read a letter from Mr Gillett, expressing that with regret he had decided to resign from the Parish Council.

Councillors wished to express their thanks to Mr Gillett for his years of service both as a Councillor and Chairman.  Cllr Moorman has written to thank Mr Gillett.

2.    Election of Chairman

Cllr Jennifer Rudge was elected Chairman, proposed Cllr Moorman, and seconded Cllr Ashford.

Cllr Rudge then took the Chair.

Applications to fill casual vacancy.

There is a procedure involved in filling this vacancy.  10 electors may apply in writing to Stratford DC for an election to be held.  Closing date for this is December 6th 2010.  If no election is requested, Parish Councillors will fill the vacancy by co-option.  Applications to fill the vacancy should be made in writing to the Clerk by 31st December 2010.  Details are on the website and parish notice board.

More information regarding the role of a Councillor and eligibility can be obtained from Cllr Rudge or the Clerk.  Details will be sent out with Centrepoint.

3.    Declarations of Interest

Cllr Brandreth declared an interest in Item 19 Planning -application 10/02431/FUL.  The Chairman said the receipt of this application would be announced at this meeting, but no discussion on it would take place at this time.

4.    Apologies for absence were received from Warwickshire County Councillor, Chris Saint.

5.    Minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2010, previously circulated and displayed on the village website, Parish notice board and in the Village Hall were considered.

There were a number of amendments to the minutes

Item 8 and item 15 – should read Lady Sarah Neill-Fraser.  The Clerk apologised for this error.

Item 7 – Social Housing line 7 to read ….housing stock showed 114 houses in the main area of the village excluding Kitebrook.

Item 8 line 3 – to read Mr McLean reported that the Stratford DC website has the information that a national flag on a single vertical flagpole, provided nothing is added to the flag or pole, is excluded from planning control.

Item 15 – 10/01452/VARY – Final paragraph to be discounted.   Add: The drive serving the building/garage referred to in Planning Notification 10/01452/VARY is a private drive and the rights of way over it are a private matter.

6.    Matters Arising from the minutes

8.    Dog Waste Bins – The Clerk reported that these are available from a cost of £145 each +VAT.

In the absence of Dog Waste bins, wrapped excrement may be placed in litter bins.  These are sited throughout the village in the cemetery, playground, outside the village hall, by the phone box and the Red Lion.

It was agreed that at this time no dog waste bins would be purchased, proposed Cllr Ashford, seconded Cllr Brandreth.

6.    Cllr Saint had reported a favourable response from the WCC gritting team to the request that the main village road is gritted,  yet the new gritting map had been received and does not include the village road.  One road through each village should be gritted according to the policy.  The Clerk will contact Cllr Saint.   The gritting map will be displayed on the Parish noticeboard.

6.    The Clerk had written to Chris Burrows, Warwickshire Road Safety, regarding speeding on the A44.  Mr Chris Fossey had replied, attaching a survey showing the mean speed to be 47.1 mph, and therefore the 50 mph limit was proving effective.  The road was assessed as part of the recent A and B road speed review and 50 mph was deemed the most appropriate speed given the road environment and existing traffic speeds. Research carried out recently by the Department of Transport showed that in some situations where speed limits are lowered there was not a corresponding lowering of vehicle speeds.

The hedge around the quarry at the top of Oakham Road had been cut.  The Clerk will write a letter of thanks, stressing the importance of maintaining visibility around the corner, and keeping the line of the hedge clear of the road.

7.    Date of next Meeting – Wednesday 15 December 2010, then Monday 17 January 2011

8.    Dates of future meetings – March 21 (Annual Parish Meeting), May 16 (Annual Meeting /Accounts Approval),    July 18,  September 19,  November 21, 2011, January 16 2012.

9.    Reports from District Cllr Gray and County Cllr Saint

Cllr Saint had sent the following by e-mail:

“Cllr Rudge has mentioned an interesting approach to social housing that may be difficult but needs the attention of Orbit Housing.

I have been offered an appointment with Chris Burrows to progress highway capital spending but this was delayed due to his late holiday.  I hope to see him in the next week or so.  (This pertains to the A44 culvert).

From May 11th the highways maintenance contract will transfer from Carillion to Balfour Beatty.

There is a consultation out on schools transport to faith schools and I would be pleased to support anybody that wishes to raise the issue with me”.

Cllr Gray reported that the District Council is still working on reducing budget costs. A consultation resulted in a wish to maintain youth services, but that pest control and CCTV services appeared less essential.

Cllr Gray is a governor of Shipston Primary School and Cllr Saint of Acorns Primary School in Long Compton.  The decision has been taken to form the two schools into a Federation, and this could happen as early as January 2011.

The Chairman asked if Cllr Gray had any influence with the Highways Department to get the village cleared of fallen leaves.  The Clerk had already requested that this be done.   Cllr Gray said he would try.

10.    Questions and comments from the public

Mr McLean reminded Cllr Rudge to sign the Acceptance of Office book.

Mrs Bamford asked if anything could be done to take the village off the Sat Nav routes as traffic through the village has increased since its inception.  It was agreed that this is not an option.

Mr Bamford asked about the rubber strips which had been across the road at the top of Oakham Road.  The clerk replied that these had been monitoring traffic as there is an application for a new farm entrance on this road.  This is a planning application for Long Compton Parish Council.

Lady Neill-Fraser asked if the shrubbery and trees overhanging the road opposite Langston Terrace could be cut back as they are impeding car and foot users.  Cllr Ashford agreed to contact Richard Gorst who is renting the land, to ask for this to be done.

Lady Neill- Fraser asked about the large stones on the grass outside Chapel Cottage as these are a trip hazard to pedestrians.  Cllr Rudge will take advice from Highways Department before proceeding.

Mr Wellingham asked if the grit bins are to be filled.  The Clerk had asked Highways Department many times for this to be done, but would pursue the matter.

Mrs Fitch asked if the drain by the corner of Redlands Row could be cleaned when others in the village are done.  The drain was not currently blocked.  The Clerk replied that there is no routine maintenance on the drains system but this would be kept in mind when the village drains are checked.

Mrs Cooper asked if the Parish Council was intending to take on the grass verge cutting contract.  This had been discussed at a previous meeting, but the contract with Stratford District Council does not expire until 2013.  It was agreed that the Clerk would invite tenders for this work to give some idea of the cost.

11.    Cemetery

The Clerk reported that local funeral directors have been informed that burials can now take place, and Centrepoint had the news that plots may now be reserved.

Approval had been received from the Highways Dept to improve the lower entrance to the cemetery using similar materials to those used at the new entrance. Cllr Ashford had priced the necessary materials at a maximum of £147, labour would be free as this was being carried out by volunteers.  Approval was given for this.

12.    Road Repairs / Village Infrastructure

Cllr Ashford had met with Jeff Morris of Warwickshire Highways Department and the following items had been discussed:

At the layby on the A44, the fallen trees are to be removed and the railing repaired.  The ditch outside Red Lodge is Highways land and it will be cleared.

Cllr Ashford had mentioned the standard of pothole repairs.  He was told that due to Health and Safety concerns, the contractors are not permitted to use boiling tar, and if a repair takes longer than 15 minutes then warning signs must be erected.

Red Lion tree – Jeff Morris is still awaiting a highway extents map.  There is a chance he may be visiting the village at the end of the week, so Cllr Rudge will mention this.

Cllr Ashford reported two fallen trees opposite Brewery Row and further towards the A44.  He will ask Mr McKerron to deal with these.

Jeff Morris has been asked several times for the lime trees and holly bushes around Langston Farm to be cut back.

Warwickshire County Highways are setting up a network of voluntary Snow Wardens.  Their functions will be to liaise with the Highways Department in times of severe weather.  Details will be placed on the notice board – volunteers are invited.

13.    Affordable Housing

Cllr Rudge reported that she had written to the Chief Executive of Stratford District Council, copied to Cllrs Gray and Saint and our Member of Parliament, showing the need for six of the village housing association properties to be made available for people with a local connection, rather than to the highest “bidder”, based on need from anywhere in Warwickshire.

Acknowledgements had been received from the Chief Executive and MP.  Cllr Gray agreed to speak with the Housing Association on this matter.

14.    Playground Report

Cllr Moorman reported that some bolt covers are still missing and that Richard Gorst is to pass these on.  The annual inspection has not yet taken place.

15.    Half Year Accounts

An extraordinary  meeting is to be held to discuss financial matters, the half year accounts and to close the annual audit 2009/10.  This to take place on Wednesday 15 December at 7pm.

16.    Approval of Expenditure *paid
D Didcote    Cemetery Maintenance    £380.00 paid* Chq 100628
J Rudge    Training Course        £ 25.00
Cemetery entrance                £148.00 max
Village Hall rent                £ 96.00
War Memorial                     £250 max – cheque in payment

to be received

A bill for £141.00 had been received from Stratford DC regarding a Domain name for a village website.  This was retrospective for three years maintenance.   Councillors past and present were unaware of this website.  The Clerk had made enquiries and this had been set up in the year 2007/8.  The Parish Council is now liable for this amount.

It was agreed the Clerk would enquire why it has taken three years for this account to be issued and to ascertain if a contract had been entered in to.  Permission was given for the account to be paid if necessary.  The account has now been closed though there may be one further bill for the current financial year.

Approval was given for these payments – proposed Cllr Brandreth seconded Cllr Moorman.

17.    Internal Auditor 2010/11 Accounts

It was agreed to ask Patrick Cooper to take on the Internal Audit, proposed Cllr Rudge, seconded Cllr Brandreth.    The Clerk will contact WALC to obtain a standard letter of appointment.

18.    Correspondence

  1. WALC    Details of meeting 15 November 2010

2.        Programme of Events

3.        Newsletter October 2010

4.        Briefing Event for Chairmen 20 November 2010

5.        Training event 11 December 2010

6.        Financial Clinic 28 January 2011

7.        WRCC Country Matters

19.    Planning Applications

10/01696/LDE         Salters Well Farm Cottage – Use of 3 Parcels of land as domestic

garden for a period of 10 years or more.

No objection from the Parish Council providing the bridleway and footpath were unaffected.  In the Notice of Decision, Stratford District Council had agreed that the area of land used as a garden, incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling does form part of its residential curtilage.  The District Council did not accept that the applicant had satisfactorily demonstrated that the other two areas had been used as domestic garden.

A letter had been received from Stratford District Council about an application referring to Salters Well Farm for which no papers can be located.  Cllr Rudge to follow up.

10/01933/TPO      2 Rivington Glebe – shortening of Yew Tree

No Parish Council objection – SDC approval given

10/02064/TREE    Red Lion, removal of damson trees

No Parish Council objection – SDC approval given.  Parish Council had expressed concern over replacement with Copper Beech which were potentially very large for the site, but no comment had been made by SDC.

10/02431/FUL        Land behind Jordans Orchard – retrospective application for replacement of derelict  store/garage with new storage shed and erection of timber storage shed, change of use of storage and land to storage of household goods, work items and domestic use.  A site meeting to be held.

10/02395/FUL        2 Brewery Row – Replacement of single storey rear extension with two storey rear extension – plans just received.

20.    Other Business

1.    The wall at 5 Pool Close has some stones missing and appears to be in danger of collapsing.  This is a Housing Association property.  Cllr Rudge to follow up.

2.    The Clerk will invite tenders for Cemetery Maintenance for 2011.

3.    Mrs Cooper asked if David Hancock had received a letter of thanks for his work at the cemetery.  Cllr Rudge will deal with this.

The meeting closed at 8.32 pm

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