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Minutes – 7 June 2010

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Minutes of the Meeting of Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday 7 June 2010 at 7.00 pm

Present: Parish Councillors Wayne Ashford, Peter Brandreth, Matthew Gillett, Louise Moorman and Jennifer Rudge.
Parish Clerk Susan Cox, Stratford District Councillor Stephen Gray, and 26 members of the public.

1. Introduction of Parish Councillors – The newly elected Councillors were introduced to the meeting.

2. Election of Chairman – Parish Councillors elected Matthew Gillett as Chairman for the coming year, proposed Cllr Moorman, seconded Cllr Rudge.

3. Election of Vice Chairman – Parish Councillors elected Louise Moorman as Vice Chairman for the coming year, proposed Cllr Rudge, seconded Cllr Gillett.

4. Declarations of Interest – there were none.

5. Apologies for absence had been received from Warwickshire County Councillor Chris Saint.

6. Minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2010
There were two amendments to the minutes
4.2 (alter to read) State of road/overhanging shrubbery – the laurels at Washbrook House have been cut lower and the overhanging shrubbery at Brewery Row has been addressed.
9. (New sentence) Cllr Moorman stated that she was for the contract being awarded to the lowest tender.
With these two alterations, the minutes were agreed as a correct record, proposed Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Brandreth.

7. Matters Arising from the minutes
1. Parish notice board – No progress to date. Cllr Brandreth will see what needs to be done. The board needs a new backing which will take pins more easily and the frame needs oiling.
2. Daisy Coleman Memorial Bench – Reed Business School has provided a replacement bench with the approval of Mr Wise.
3. Social Housing – There was much discussion on the subject. Some villagers felt they had not received a questionnaire and others were concerned at the possible site of any development. It was agreed to invite Phil Ward, Rural Housing Officer to attend the next meeting.
4. Tidy the Village Day – 5 villagers had turned out on the day and a few had offered to undertake work at another time. The Clerk had submitted a report for Centrepoint but this had been omitted from the publication.
5. Cllr Rudge asked if the Parish Council had followed up the request for the village to be gritted during winter of 2010/11. The Clerk replied that she understood that Cllr Saint was following up this matter. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Highways Department requesting that the village be included.
6. Cllr Rudge asked if the grid could be replaced at the Malthouse culvert. Highways Department will be contacted.

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7. Cllr Rudge asked about the re-oiling of the village benches. It was agreed Cllr Rudge
would contact the Such family to see if they would undertake this.
8. Sand still needs to be ordered for storage at Redlands Farm.

8. Date of next meeting – Monday 19 July

9. Reports from County Cllr Saint and District Cllr Gray
Cllr Gray reported that he had been re-elected for a further four years and he had also been elected as Chairman of Stratford District Council.
The coming year will be focused on policy from the incoming government. Cost cutting will be a priority. The new government also proposes that planning issues will be made on a more local level.

10. Questions and comments from the public
Mr Mclean expressed dissatisfaction at the top dressing work carried out in Barton Lane.

Cllr Rudge had been asked for a time to be set aside when Councillors could be available for villagers to speak with personally. It was suggested this could be either before or after the meetings. It was agreed this could be after the meetings. Councillors details will be made available on the website and the Parish noticeboard and all Councillors stated they would be available at most times, by telephone or in person.

Mrs Bamford asked if it was possible for satellite navigation routes to divert traffic away from the village. The reply was that this is not possible. Flashing speed signs had been looked into some years ago, but these could only be installed where street lighting is in situ. Mr Fitch reported that he is now a Neighbourhood Watch rep and a speeding gun was available. This will be used along the A44 in the near future. Mr Fitch was asked how the public finds out about the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Some information will be put on the website.

Some discussion took place regarding articles in Centrepoint. The Clerk told the meeting how the make up of Centrepoint is achieved and the problems incurred with copy typing. Mr Evans reminded the meeting that Centrepoint comes at no cost to the Parish Council but is funded by the 5 churches.
Mrs Wellingham asked if the England flag which is flown outside Juxon Bungalows is legal. Cllr Gray will investigate the matter. It is hoped it will be removed after the football world cup. The Clerk will contact the planning officer.

11. Annual Accounts
The annual accounts were reviewed by Councillors. The balance at the end of the year was £9,193.35. The accounts were agreed by Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Brandreth.

The parish Council election costs will be approximately £900 as the election was not held at the same time as the District Council elections. The grant money of £3,200 for anti flood works at Redlands Corner will be paid over to Warwickshire Highways Department this year. Since 1st April, a VAT refund of £812 has been received together with one precept payment of £2,810.50.

12. Cemetery
Councillors agreed that the works undertaken to open up the cemetery have resulted in a very pleasing usable space. A small amount of edging needs to be provided along the path in the older section. Cllr Brandreth agreed to see what could be done to rectify this.

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Extra works carried out by Cllr Brandreth – see appendix 1, attached
Discussion took place regarding the need for a drainage ditch along the top edge of the cemetery. This should have been installed before the hedge was planted, but would now need to be dug by hand at some future date when funds permit.

Mr Bamford remarked that the ditch from the end of the cemetery into Barton Lane needs attention as it is very overgrown. The Clerk will contact Peter Green regarding this.

Councillors then considered opening the cemetery for burials. It was agreed that this should be done and that reservations could be taken. The Clerk reminded Councillors that plots need to be marked out. Councillors reviewed the cemetery charges and it was agreed these were too low. The Clerk agreed to obtain charges from other sources so that comparisons maybe made prior to a decision at the next meeting.

The Clerk reminded Councilors that Alec Reed had asked for a sign to the effect that the land was donated by Reed Business School.

13. Flood Prevention/Road Repairs

A further site meeting had been held at Redlands Corner. Nigel Chetwynd, Warwickshire Highways Dept had identified that the small area of land containing the willow trees is actually Highways land. Having spoken with Mr Bamford, work will be carried out to open this area to create a small pond and to increase the size of the proposed pipe to the ditch further along the road. It was anticipated that this work would be completed before the village fete as the field was to be used for parking. Mr Foley asked for more details of the construction and size of pipe. The Clerk agreed to contact Mr Chetwynd to obtain more details.

The Clerk reported details of a telephone conversation with Jeff Morris, Highways Department.
There is an ongoing treatment programme for the Japanese Knotweed in Church Lane. The grass by the junction with the A44 will be dealt with by the strimming team.
Potholes will be dealt with within seven days.
A team will be sent to clear the layby on the A44 and the Forestry Team will deal with the fallen tree.
Cllr Rudge asked if the pipe under the A44 had been dealt with. It appears that this has not been done and requires a follow-up.
It appears that the laurels at 1 Red Lodge, which were planted on Highways land, have been removed.

The grass cutting map of the village will be circulated to Councillors for comment.

14. Playground report
It was noted that the stone wall has been repaired.

15. Approval of expenditure *Paid
£1,250 and £829.48 have been received from the Golden Jubilee Fund and £1,675 from the Friends of Little Compton Cemetery. Amounts of £1,175 and £1,275 have been paid out for the Cemetery gates work. A further balance of £1,229 from the Friends of Little Compton Cemetery will be paid over soon. This amount will be two thirds towards the cost of removal of the central hedge and landscaping works.
Balances stood at £80 in the cash account and £8,900 in the BMM account
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The Clerk reported that during the Parish Council election process, accounts had been settled with the approval of the Chairman.
*Cheque 100606 Cemetery Business Rates £ 87.14
* 100607 WALC Membership Fee £ 84.00
* 100608 Pipex Internet £ 45.82
* 100609 Cook, cemetery maint. £ 288.70
* 100610 J Evans Seeds £ 65.80
* 100611 J Sked Cemetery gates £1175.00
* 100612 Petty Cash £ 50.00
* 100613 Aon Insurance £ 738.96
100614 RG Wallis Cemetery stone pillars £1275.00
100615 Cook, Cemetery maint. £288.70
100615 Pipex £22.91
100616 PJ Brandreth Cemetery works £1850.00

All above payments approved, proposed Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Moorman.

The Clerk reported that the change of Broadband supplier from Pipex to BT will be completed with the next month.

A Bank signatory mandate to include signatures of Cllrs Rudge and Ashford was completed. Proposed Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Moorman.

16 Correspondence *previously circulated
1. Philip Cook Landscaping informing the Parish Council that they would be terminating their contract for Cemetery maintenance at the end of June.
Cllr Rudge will contact Danny Didcote to see if he would take over the maintenance from 1st July.
2. Letter from Acorns Primary School apologizing for non attendance at Annual Meeting. The head teacher is currently on long term sick leave.
3. Letter from Tina Lowe (Hills) regarding cherry tree removed from grass verge at Red Lion
After some discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk will contact the Highways Department on whose land the original tree was planted, to obtain their consent for a replacement and to write to Tina Hills informing her of the procedure. Any further planting will be in liaison with the Tree Warden.
3. *WRCC Country Matters
4. *WALC Correspondence – Being a good Councillor and Clerk –
Training day, Saturday 17 July
5. * Cotswold AONB circulation

17. Planning Applications – These had been circulated for comment to previous Parish Councillors who were standing for re-election.

Change of use of proposed barn from home produced plant sales
to retail sales consisting of animal feed, natural herbal and
organic products, animals, pets and home grown plants
Browns Barn, Compton Lane Nurseries – SDC Refusal

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Councillors agreed to offer Mr Brown support with any appeal he might
make on the grounds of a useful rural enterprise and the fact that no
village shops would be inconvenienced by the proposed goods for sale.

Tree works at 6 Redlands Row SDC Approval

Construction of single storey extension and
Insertion of 2 dormer windows at
4 Kitebrook Cottages No objections

09/01372/FUL Demolition of existing
Cottage and replacement with new house
Minor alterations to approved plans
Salters Well Cottage Information only

18 Other Business
1. New e-mail address for Parish Council is littlecompton.pc1@googlemail.com

2. Three grit bins are still waiting to be sited.

3. Cllr Moorman asked if the owners of the Old School House could be written to, asking for their ditch to be cleared.

4. Mr Hawes had asked if a dog fouling sign could be fixed at the entrance to the bridleway opposite his property (Redlands Farm). Cllr Ashford will deal with this.
Discussion took place on what could be done about the dog dirt problem and the fine enforcement. Relevant information will be placed on the noticeboards.

5. Cllr Moorman asked if anything could be done about inconsiderate parking in the village. No conclusion was reached.

6. Cllr Rudge suggested that Parish Councillors take responsibility for areas such as planning, maintenance etc. This item to be placed on the agenda fore the next meeting.

7. The A44 flashing signs need attention. The Clerk will report this matter to Highways Department.

8. Mrs Cooper asked if villagers would have priority for reserving burial plots. It was assumed this would be so.

The Meeting closed at 9.14 pm