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Minutes - 25 January 2010 - Little Compton PC

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Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held at the Village Hall
Monday 25 January 2010

Present: Cllrs Brandreth, Cox, Gillett Gorst and Moorman,
Warwickshire CC Cllr Saint, Stratford DC Cllr Gray
Parish Clerk Susan Cox, and 11 members of the public.

1. Declarations of Interest – there were none.

2 Apologies for absence – there were none

3. The minutes of the meeting held on 16th November 2009 were agreed to be a correct record. Proposed Cllr Brandreth, seconded Cllr Moorman

4. Matters Arising from the minutes
Parish notice board – The chairman agreed that this was not very serviceable at present. The doors have been mended. Cllrs Cox and Brandreth will undertake some repairs and replace the backing board with something suitable.
State of road/overhanging shrubbery
The Clerk had requested highways department to clear the leaves and later reports indicated this was done. The villagers with overhanging branches had been written to. Some had undertaken work and others had not. It was agreed to wait until the next meeting to see if any action had been taken.
Request for Bus Shelter
The Clerk had ascertained that a structure less than 4 metres in height and less than 200 cubic metres would not need planning consent. A rustic type small shelter is in the region of £6,000. The Council will discuss again at a later date.

5. Date of next meeting – Monday 15 March – Annual Meeting

6. Questions and comments from the public
Mrs Rudge pointed out the overflowing drain by the edge of Langston Farm. This had already been reported to Highways Department.
Mrs Rudge also asked about the fallen tree and debris in the lay-by on the A44, which were giving an untidy appearance to the village. This will be brought up with the Highways Department at a meeting later in the week.

Mrs Wellingham asked if it was possible to have some grit bins. The Clerk reported that the two previously agreed had arrived and were to be sited on Oakham Road and near the cemetery. After some discussion it was agreed to order 3 more, to be sited near Post Office Row, the corner of Malthouse Lane and at the bottom of the village near the Red Lion – proposed Cllr Gorst, seconded Cllr Gillett.

Mrs Cooper asked if something could be done about the verge opposite Barton End where the road had been dug several times for services etc, leaving broken edging and an uneven verge and if the water run-off from Willow End could be addressed. This will be brought to the attention of the Highways Department.

7. Reports from County Cllr Saint and District Cllr Gray
Cllr Saint reported that the main roads are gritted and one access to each village should be maintained. The Clerk responded that no gritting takes place off the A44. The budgets for the coming year are being discussed; there are huge demands for adult social care which must be addressed.
The culvert under the A44 will be discussed at a meeting at the end of February.

Cllr Gray reported that the District budget is also being discussed and he foresees an increase of 2.5%. If the general election takes place on 6 May then the Parish and District council elections would be postponed to another date.
Shipston Town management Partnership has made an approach to lease the former District Council office in Sheep Street.

8. Cemetery Entrance
The parking bay and footpath have been completed and the account paid. Tenders for opening the hedge, creating a gateway and ongoing footpath, removing the central hedge and grass seeding are awaited.

9. Flooding Prevention/Road Repairs
A meeting will be held later in the week with Jeff Morris, Highways Department. Redlands Corner will be looked at as the work already done appears insufficient to cope with flooding. Other items to be discussed is the corner of Oakham Road at the bend by the quarry which continues to puddle; the A44 dip towards Kitebrook which puddles; the replacement school sign at Kitebrook and the finger posts at the top of Oakham Road; jetting the drain at Langston Farm entrance.

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10. Precept 2010/11
The attached proposed figure was discussed. The tax base had been increased and with minor increases in the budgets, the precept was agreed as the same figure for 2009/10, being £5,621, £36.41 for a Band D property. Proposed Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Gorst.

11. Playground report – Cllr Richard Gorst reported on the annual inspection which was very thorough. No action appeared to be urgent.

12. Approval of expenditure *Paid
Ch 100556 LC Village Hall rent 2009 £ 96.00*
100557 Warwickshire Training P/ship £ 30.00*
100558 K Perkins £4312.50*
100559 Pipex Internet (2 months) £ 44.86*

Clerk Salary, October – December 2009 £341.13
2 x Salt Bins £285.53
Planning seminar Cllr Brandreth £ 25.00
WALC briefing seminar £ 30.00

Expenditure approved Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Moorman.

13. Correspondence *previously circulated
Shipston Town Council exhibition Saturday 6 February on Flood prevention products.
Nomination for Buckingham Palace Garden Party.
Best Kept Village Competition 2010 – various categories rather than the village as a whole. It was agreed not to enter.

14. Planning Applications
09/02176/FUL 8 Brewery Row,
Removal of existing lean to sheds and replacement with two storey and single storey side extension. Removal of existing west boundary wall SDC APPROVAL

09/02363/TREE – 23no. hawthorn : fell.- 2no. horse chestnut fell (dead).
The Manor, Little Compton, Gloucestershire, GL56 0RZ
Sdc approval

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15. Other Business

1. Social Housing walk round with Phil Ward report now received. Clerk will distribute to Councillors.

2. The Clerk reported that the village is tied into the SDC grass cutting contract until 2013.

3. Daisy Coleman bench – a cheque had been received from the insurers for £61. When queried, the Clerk was informed that this was the amount of cover for benches less the excess. The Clerk will contact Peter Green regarding the outstanding amount.

4. Mrs Cooper asked if something could be done about the drainage from Willow End onto Barton Lane and the kerbing at the end of Willow End which has been damaged by contractors. Jeff Morris will be asked about this matter.

5. Mr Evans reported that David Hancock had offered to dig the ditch at the cemetery entrance. The Chairman asked Mr Evans to give him the go ahead and thank him for his offer.

The meeting closed at 8.25 pm