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Official Minutes - 18 May - Little Compton PC

page 365

minutes of the Little Compton Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18 May 2009

Present: Cllrs Cox, Gillett, Gorst and Moorman, Warwickshire CC Cllr Saint and Stratford DC Cllr Gray

Parish Clerk Susan Cox, and 18 members of the public.


1. Election of Chairman

Cllr Gillett was elected as Chairman, Proposed by Cllr Moorman, Seconded Cllr Gorst.

The Chairman welcomed Councillors members of the public to the meeting.


2. Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr Moorman was elected as Vice-Chairman, proposed Cllr Gillett, seconded Cllr Gorst.


3. Declarations of Interest

There were none.


4. Apologies for absence

The Clerk reported that Cllr Bartlett had tendered her resignation for personal reasons. She was absent from the meeting.

Fourteen working days are allowed for 10 villagers registered as electors to apply in writing to Stratford District Council asking for an election to be held. Costs for such an election would be met from the precept. It is usual procedure for a co-option by the Parish Council to fill the vacancy. Applications should be made in writing to the Parish Clerk.


5. Minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2009

There were two amendments to the minutes

Item 8 – Flooding – Nigel Chetwynd was incorrectly spelled.

The amount of £20,000 (twenty thousand pounds) was approved for works…..


6. Matters Arising from the minutes

Social Housing – Phil Ward has taken over from Charles Barlow as Warwickshire Rural Housing Enabler. A walk around the village with Mr Ward and Councillors will be arranged to identify sites suitable for any future projects.

Cllr Gray reported he had made enquiries regarding the outside areas of Jordans Orchard. Each tenant is responsible for the area immediately outside their property, the hedgerow is maintained by a service provider, the area between to hedgerow and the road is a highways verge and will be maintained by Warwickshire CC.


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The clerk had not purchased more dog-fouling signs as these were already in place.


7. Date of next meeting

Monday 20 July 2009


8. Questions and comments from the public

Mr McLean reported that the playground sign by the telephone box had been turned parallel with the main road, whereas it was intended to be angled so it could be seen from both this road and Washbrook Lane. Cllr Gillett agreed to rectify this, and to remove the brown arrow which had been fixed on the pole.

Mr Evans reported he had not been consulted regarding the need for more social housing. The Clerk reported that the consultation forms were delivered with Centrepoint in the Autumn and had shown the need for 6 more social housing units.


9. Cemetery Entrance

Mr Kevin Perkins had revisited the site and has now quoted for concrete kerbs to be included. His quote now stands at £4150 + VAT. The other quotes for the same work are considerably more. Cllr Gillett proposed we accept Mr K Perkins’ quote, seconded by Cllr Gorst.


10. Flooding Prevention/Road Repairs

The culvert under Washbrook Lane has been investigated, and some tree roots and a service cable have been found. This bridge and that under the A44 are now on the annual inspection rota. Warwickshire CC are now contacting Mr McKerron regarding clearing and reinstatement of the ongoing ditch.

The pothole team will be revisiting the village within the next two weeks. This will be followed with the village road from the A44 to Oakham being tarmaced and top dressed.

A meeting took place between Jeff Morris and Mr Foley regarding Redlands Corner. Mr Foley assured the Chairman that a representative of the Parish Council would be involved in any future discussions.

The dynamics of the village flooding was discussed. Mr Bamford had joined the meeting and had agreed that the trees at the corner could be removed in order to help clear the drain. Mr Morris concluded that any flooding/road problems were the responsibility of his department and that our funds should be spent elsewhere. However the grant money of £3,200 was obtained for works at Redlands Corner. Mr Foley was thanked for his interest and the time he had given to these problems. page 367

11. Playground report

Cllr Gorst reported that the play equipment appeared to be in order. However a tree was giving some concern as it was leaning on another tree at a worrying angle. Mr Evans, Tree Warden, will investigate.


12. Village Website – Cllr Gillett to report

A website had been set up by Cllr Cox which was good, and the Parish Council had chosen the website address for this. However, another website was set up by Mr Foley which was equally good. Much discussion and heated argument took place regarding the way this had been done, the ambiguities and errors regarding fundraising for the Parish Council and the church. A vote was taken and it was agreed that the website set up by Mr Foley, www.littlecompton.info should be the official village website.

13. IT Equipment/SDC Grant

A £5,000 grant had been received of which £2,115 had been spent on a lap top computer and a scanner for village use, some software, training provision and a domain name. The broadband bill for the year is approximately £264, leaving £2,600 remaining. Mr Foley suggested buying a digital recorder in order to make a record of the meetings freely available, but is was pointed out the tape recorder used at meetings was for the use of the Clerk only, for transcribing minutes.

The Clerk will identify what software was purchased. It was agreed to itemise the remaining grant money in the annual accounts, as there was no immediate need for more expenditure.


14. Review of Cemetery Charges

These were not reviewed in 2008, but as the new cemetery was now in use, it was agreed to increase all 2007 amounts by £5. Proposed Cllr Gorst, Seconded Cllr Gillett.


15. Approval of expenditure

Insurance £691.19

WALC Fee £ 83.00

Business Rates £ 84.17

D Didcote £452.00 (and permission to pay future invoices)

Burial book £150.00

Proposed Cllr Gorst, Seconded Cllr Gillett


16. Planning applications

Sian Thomas of Hawton Farm had asked the Parish Council to support her letter to Stratford District Council Planning Department concerning building works at Wheelbarrow Castle (Barton on the Heath Parish). Ms Thomas owns the farm track which is a bridleway giving access to Wheelbarrow Castle and page 368

was most concerned that contractors vehicles and materials do not block the track. It was agreed to write a letter of support in this matter.


17. Correspondence

* The Fouling of Land by Dogs Order 2009

* Information Commissioners Office Freedom of Information Act

* SDC Decorum, April 2009

* Warwickshire Climate Change Partnership conference 19 September

*Cotswold Conservation Board meeting 26 March

A letter from Ann Hanks, Ashlea, regarding the verge outside her property which she is unable to mow due the drainage ditch dug by Warwickshire CC workmen some years ago. The Clerk will talk with Jeff Morris WCC, to see what improvements can be made.

*previously circulated


18. Other Business

1. Tidy the Village Day – Sunday June 7


2. What appears to be two lampposts have appeared on the A44 between the village and Kitebrook. Cllr Saint knows nothing about these, but will make further enquiries. The Clerk will contact Mike Cunningham, Warwickshire County Council.


3. Cllr Saint reminded the Parish Council that he was generally available to attend meetings in order to support issues such as flood relief. County Highways is undergoing a complete reorganisation. Cllr Saint is very much behind this as it will mean that funding will be more centralised and strictly controlled. Each project will now have a case officer, more long term projects will be looked at, and Cllr Saint has hopes things will run more smoothly.


4. Cllr Gray urged everyone to use their vote for the District Council Elections.


The meeting closed at 8.30 pm